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Generous staff at a Farnborough hotel donate shoe-boxes of goodies for people affected by domestic abuse

For the second year in a row, kind-hearted staff from the Aviator Hotel in Farnborough are making Christmas a little easier by filling shoeboxes with treats to be given out on Christmas Day.

A total of 65 boxes have been donated by staff for people living in a domestic abuse refuge and to outreach clients.

Cllr Simon Bound, chairman of the Safer North Hampshire* Partnership, said: “Christmas is unfortunately a time of year when the number of calls to the police about domestic abuse incidents dramatically increases. There are increased pressures at Christmas, such as families spending more time together, often an increased consumption of alcohol and difficulties around child-contact, which often heightens tensions further.”

Anyone concerned about their safety over the Christmas period, and would like to know the different options available, can call the Hampshire Domestic Abuse line on 0330 0165112. Stop Domestic Abuse operate the advice line with specialists who can listen, advise and allocate domestic abuse outreach workers to provide support to men, women and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) victims of domestic abuse, as well as their children. They also work in partnership with the Hampton Trust to help those who wish to change their behaviour towards their partner.

Anyone in immediate danger should call 999.

Shoeboxes will be donated to local refuges in the area.

For more information about domestic abuse and what help is available locally and nationally: